Often a single example of work may not demonstrate all the required objectives for a particular assignment. Instead students should collectively consider: the required objectives for each assignment, the multiple examples presented on this blog and during in class presentations. As well ideas discovered through a student's independent research in combination with various examples and ideas presented by instructor will ultimately be the best approach for synthesizing ideas and reaching the requirements (and unique outcome) for any particular course project.

Assignment 3: Collapsible Box Assignment

Visual language - Assignment 3: Collapsible Box Assignment                                                

Instructor: Derek Brueckner
Email: Derek.Brueckner@umanitoba.ca

Collapsible Box Assignment

Size of The Box: 
Construct a cube structure with four or five planes that is a minimum of 12 x 12 x 12 inches using any material of your choice.

Interior of the Box: 
Select a variety of objects and forms* (elements) for the box’s interior. Eventual goal is to develop variety and unique characteristics within the box and overall project.

Composing Objects/Elements and Space Inside Box:
When composing the objects inside the box anticipate the space to eventually give a sense of foreground, middleground and background.  This sense of space will be imperative when people do the painting assignment (Assignment 4to depict the subject matter and space inside the box. 

Attach elements to the ceiling plane that can dangle or flow down or move the viewer's eye diagonally through the space (and even better) to a wall plane.

*Required Characteristics of 3-Dimensional Materials and Objects in Space of Box:
- Found Objects (manufactured) and Hand Made Objects
- Soft and Hard Materials (variety of textures and surfaces)
- Geometric and Organic Shapes and Lines
- Consider some of these characteristics on the wall plane surfaces inside box as well 

Options for Subject Matter:
-Representational subject matter  
-Abstract content (Some historical art movements to consider: Russian Suprematists, Cubism, Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism and Post-Minimalism Art) 
-Combination of both Representational subject matter and Abstraction (Some historical art movements to consider: Dadaist, Surrealist, Expressionism and Pop Art)

Requirements of Colour:
-All elements in box assignment are required to utilize systems of colour from the colour wheel assignment (Assignment 2 - Part A) 
-Tints and shades may also be utilized as well.
-Pure black, or white or grays, silver or gold  are not permitted. Instead mixing tints and shades of colour are permitted. You may also use coloured glazes/washes over white or gray, silver or gold to transform them with hues 

Complexity, Unity and Variation of Scale in 3-Dimensional composition: 
Consider the complexity offered by the required 3-Dimensional elements and unity of these elements in the 3D space.
Interaction of elements that have variation in scale can assist with the complexity and unity of the composition.
Activating intervals between elements and or activating negative space with elements can also assist with unity and complexity as well.

Construction and Structural Integrity of Box:
Anticipate that some planes will need to be sturdy enough to support the weight of some 3
Dimensional forms which will be attached to one or more wall planes and ceiling plane.

Construct the cube with four or five  planes allowing for an interior view of a miniature tableaux using a variety line, shapes and materials.*

It is recommended that people use 4 planes with each of the 4 planes being 12 x 12 inches. If people decide to use a 5th plane it is recommended it be 12 inches in height but smaller in width.
Options for Planes to Create Box:
3-Dimensional materials will be composed within the cube.  The four or five planes do not necessarily have to be uniform in thickness or material but there must be a clear sense of four or five  reasonably flat planes joined together in order to create an interior cube (or cube like) setting for the miniature tableaux.

Interior of the Box in Relation to Historical and Contemporary Art: 
Consider references of historical and contemporary art. Options for this work can include: miniature surreal interior, or miniature surreal stage, or maquette for an art installation, or maquette for environmental art, or combination of these options.

Research installation artists that tend to work abstractly or who have a strong formal aesthetics in their work but could also have abstract,  surreal, pop art, or even political characteristics in their work. (Political characteristics could include issues of: gender, race, sexuality, class, economics and environment)

How do you personalize these ways of working that offers a unique 21st century dialogue and solution?
Can the box reflect a contemporary art practice but still keep within the various formal (visual language) requirements of the assignment?

Process (and Help to get Started on Box):  
Do not wait for brilliant ideas. Instead allow for a trial and error process of combining various coloured 3-Dimensional objects and materials with in the box. If you are stuck and do not know where to start just begin to play and explore with random objects.  Just to get the process started people can even begin with an initial bad idea and anticipate revising and modifying that initial idea.  (Start with basics with intention to expand)

Have faith that something will work out for you as you begin to engage in the process of making. Here again do not wait for the brilliant ideas, instead allow the process of making and editing to guide you to a good idea.  Eventually allow for an exploration that will reveal unanticipated hybrids with shapes, lines and subject matter. Anticipate this project to intersect somewhere between a maquette for a unique art installation and an experimental still life you have never seen before.

Transportation and Storage of the Box and Objects:
For easy transportation and storage allow for the box to be collapsible and or modular.  Allow for a project that will be easily transported on the bus and store in a locker.

Student Work Examples of  Collapsible Box/Cube Assignment:

Student Work Examples of  Collapsible Box Assignment (various materials in progress):