Often a single example of work may not demonstrate all the required objectives for a particular assignment. Instead students should collectively consider: the required objectives for each assignment, the multiple examples presented on this blog and during in class presentations. As well ideas discovered through a student's independent research in combination with various examples and ideas presented by instructor will ultimately be the best approach for synthesizing ideas and reaching the requirements (and unique outcome) for any particular course project.

Assignment 3: Interdisciplinary Project: Assignment with Options (60% of course Grade)

Interdisciplinary Project: Assignment with Options

Option 1: Wall Assignment (2D) connecting to Floor Assignment (3D):

2-Dimensional work on wall that connects to 3-Dimensional work on the ground/floor (sculpture in the round on floor). 


Option 2: Extension of The Body Assignment: 

Sculpture(s)/Installation that is visually and physically connected to the Body and/or Sculpture(s)/Installation that is visually and physically extends from the Body.


Option 3: Zoom Performance:

Consider a performance art work or time-based work that includes 2-Dimensional work (background) and 3-Dimentsional work (props and installation). 


Additional options to consider within Option 3 of the Zoom Performance: 

-This time-based work could be pre-recorded as video, or could be performed live on Zoom. The live performance on Zoom could be augmented with pre-recorded audio and/or video.


-Examples of performance props could include DIY puppets, or objects as part of an action or objects as part of process. The props/objects could be hand-made or found objects or both.


-Lighting design and mood will also be very important. Opptions for lighting could include:  sunlight, clips-on lights, lanterns, flash lights, candles and/or sparklers, or…? Lighting could be part of a prop or included as part of the performance involving shadow puppets, cast shadows of cut out forms, or lights that are moved around in the dark. Consider how the performer(s) and props are lit and potentially obscured by translucent materials ( translucent materials could include: wax paper, vellum, tracing paper…)

If starting with experimental theatre ideas is easier than starting with "performance art, then start with ideas related to experimental theatre, but do not worry about a script too much. Focus on planned actions, sound, props, background, attire (costumes), and lighting more than script writing.


Option 4: Combine Above Options:

In combining 2 or more of the above options develop the work as an interdisciplinary project


Option 5: Consult Instructor Project:

Option five is a proposed interdisciplinary project that the student feels does not fit into option 1 to 4. If option 5 is chosen, immediate consultation with instructor must occur to confirm that the student can proceed with the proposed project for option 5.


Theme(s) and Visual Language: in Work for All the Above Options:
Theme(s) along with visual language(s) should occur in the work for all the above options. This assignment should be thematically layered and the visual language (style, technique, formal characteristics, format, and/or narrative) in the work should balance the formally complex with experimentation of materials and processes. Connecting the visual language in relation to the theme(s) will also be important. 

Evaluation of Work:
30% Concepts/Poetic Layerings of Themes                                                                           
60% Formal Visual Language and Technical Skill with innovative use of materials    

10% Synthesis of the Concepts with Formal/Visual Language